Thursday, March 21, 2013

Lily Thread - Vintage Ad

I'm not much of a seamstress. I can't sew, knit or crochet.
(Good thing I know wonderful, creative folk who do!)

In fact, the memory of my high school textiles classes fill me with
the kind of dread normally reserved for visits to the dentist.

However, I really love this Vintage Ad for Lily Thread circa 1970.
I love the colour, the patterned jumpsuit with it's flared legs and her gorgeous hair.

I think this ad would look great poster size, featured on a door or wall.

p.s. I may not be able to sew, but I make a mean chocolate pudding.


  1. Lovely ad. Love the burnt orange colour.

    You can eat a chocolate pudding. You can't eat an A-line skirt.

    Think about it.

    1. Exactly! It may be only one of three things I can successfully bake, but you gotta stick with what you know. : )

  2. That poster would look great on my sewing room wall, Chocolate Pudding has survived since the 70's - it will never go out of fashion in this house :-)

    1. Agreed - Chocolate pudding is the best! Is yours the self saucing pud? The poster would be very fitting for a sewing room wall.

  3. I love it too Donna
    (although I can just about sew a straight line, I can't knit or crochet either. Like you I can make a good chocolate pud though)

    p.s. don't forget, we're both pretty good at whipping up things with gelatine in them!

    1. Indeed we are! I can only hope one day my gelatine offerings can be as eye catching as Dana's Spam de triomphe. You can't beat a good homemade chocolate pud.

  4. I know I set the bar high with that gelatin thing, but I know someone will beat me eventually. I still have my grandmother's recipe for chocolate pudding, and I used to be good at making it, but as I've gotten older, I've become a really lazy cook. I haven't made pudding or a cake or biscuits or cornbread from scratch in ages!

    I used to be a good seamstress and made all my own clothes, even tailored jackets. (My mother and grandmother were blue ribbon winners at the state fair, so I had good teachers.) I've been very lazy about that too, and now I only make the occasional pillow. My grandmother always bought Lily or Coats and Clark thread.

    1. I think your gelatin creation will hold the title for quite some time Dana!! Hard to top a truly magical creation such as that.
      Blue ribbons winners at the state fair?! I love that! (I have visions of the movie musical State Fair in my head.) You had great teachers indeed. : )

  5. Can't pud, can sew! I'll do you a swap! Love the pic! xx


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